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Writer's pictureSarah Nardi

#1 Punk Band in Korea

Updated: Apr 28, 2019

That moment you're working with the #1 punk band in South Korea and you think "how did I get here?!"

Have you ever been in the midst of an experience and wondered, "Is this REALLY my life? How the heck did I get here?! This is AMAZING!"

One day many moons ago (circa 2003 - 2004) I was tutoring one of my Korean students in Yantai, China and he decided he wanted to share his favorite Korean bands with me. One of those bands was called Lazybone. Their music was upbeat with a ska punk kind of feel to it. I've always enjoyed ska, so I was intrigued. It became a ritual for us to listen to Lazybone at least once a week.

One day I declared to my student that I was going to meet Lazybone. He, understandably, thought I was nuts. I mean, who just makes a statement like that and then it happens? Turns out it happens to me. As I was arranging for a vacation in South Korea, I decided to fax Lazybone (yes, you read that right. it was the only contact info I could find for them) to introduce myself and tell them I was planning on visiting Korea and would like to meet them. I almost immediately forgot I had tried reaching out to them - until I got an e-mail back from one of their managers telling me where they would be performing while I was in Korea and inviting me to find them and introduce myself in person. Somehow I found them and we immediately connected. These guys were the kindest people! I asked them to sign something for my student and explained that's how I found out about them. They gladly obliged.

Several months later, after I moved back to the States, I was feeling the need to travel again. So I reached out to Lazybone and asked them if they would have any need for me to help them out for a few months. Once again, they responded positively and invited me to come on out and that they could always find something I could help with. I planned my 2 month trip to Korea for October - November 2004.

I had such an amazing time with these guys. They really are the kindest, goofiest and funnest guys to be around. Some of them only spoke a few words of English but went out of their way to make me feel a part of the team. Some of them spoke considerably more English and were just amazing in helping me learn more about the city and settling in.

My first full day in Korea they were playing at a huge punk music festival. I was immediately given a backstage pass and was hanging with all of the top punk bands in the country. I was also able to get into the Press area to take photos of them while they were performing. It was surreal.

The guys were scheduled to play at an event with some well known Korean musicians. They told me to meet them at the venue, so I did just that. I arrived extra early because I didn't even know the venue and wanted to make sure I found them in time. I quickly discovered that they were in a private room somewhere in the building and the building was surrounded by security. I introduced myself to a security guard as one of Lazybone's managers (yes, that was a stretch of the imagination - but it worked and the guys affirmed that it was the best way to get myself to where they were at) and was immediately taken down to their green room. I was backstage throughout the show and able to see the huge crowd enjoying their music. It was so much fun.

One day the guys asked me if I would like to join them playing baseball. I love playing sports, so I was immediately all in. It crossed my mind that I had no idea who else would be playing as there were only 5 of them playing and 1 of me - not even enough for 1 full team. But I dutifully made my way to where we were scheduled to play. Much to my surprise, I recognized every single one of the guys that were gathered there to play. They were all punk rock stars in Korea! We didn't actually have enough players for 2 full teams so we modified the game to only 1st, 3rd and home base. It was so much fun! And now I can say that I've played baseball with a bunch of punk stars.

I attended one of their rehearsal sessions for the CD they were working on recording while I was in town. Right before I was scheduled to return to the states they presented me with a CD - and showed me that they had put thanks to me on the sleeve!

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