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Writer's pictureSarah Nardi

Finding American Food (and Friends) in a "Small" Chinese City

Updated: Apr 28, 2019

There's one thing Americans abroad know to be truth - finding food that reminds them of home is essential to one's sanity.

Having lived in Yantai, China on my own with little desire to cook for a family of one, getting American food was something that brought me the comfort of home. When I first moved to Yantai, "American" food consisted of KFC and a McDonald's knock-off called Didi's. Over the years other fast food places have made their way to Yantai; McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Subway, Burger King, Starbucks, Haagan Dazs, etc. But I couldn't have made it through my 4 years there if it weren't for Jackie's Cafe (now Jackie's Cuisine) - it truly is Home Away From Home, just as they advertise.

Sarah with Harry (left) and Jackie (right)

“It truly is Home Away From Home.”

The first few months I lived in Yantai, I had very limited access to American food. The things you NEVER crave at home somehow become your constant craving. And it's ALWAYS the one thing you just can't find ANYWHERE. For example, I had to travel to Qingdao (a city 2 1/2 hrs away by train or bus) just to get some proper cheese and butter. At that time Yantai only had cream cheese and sliced cheese similar to Kraft cheese slices. It was a journey just to stock up my fridge, but always well worth it

My Christmas Gift

Little did I know that while I was having these major cravings, there was a wonderful man named Jackie that was preparing to open a western restaurant in downtown Yantai. Some co-workers of mine discovered Jackie's Cafe (now called Jackie's Cuisine) the week it opened (Christmas week!) and told me I should go there.

Can you find me on this wall of photos?

Somehow I found the little hole in the wall place and it changed everything for me. No longer did I have to settle for KFC or subpar western style-ish food. I now had somewhere that I could get delicious fajitas (which I still crave to this day), mozzarella sticks and milkshakes. Then they did the unbelievable - they started serving root beer and root beer floats! Why is this unbelievable? In general, Chinese people do not like root beer. They say it tastes and smells like medicine! Well, if that's the case, it's the best medicine ever. HAHA

After fostering a friendship with Jackie and other staff, he offered to pick up extra cheese and root beer for me on his deliveries from Beijing. He and his staff went above and beyond to make sure my experience in Yantai and at Jackie's was exceptional. I will never forget his hospitality and kindness.

Sarah and Jackie

Every time I visit Yantai, I make sure to add at least one stop by Jackie's to visit my #HomeAwayFromHome to say "hi" and enjoy the foods I now crave in America that never taste quite the same when I get it stateside. Over the years he's made many upgrades (from a small hole in the wall to a beautiful 2 story building then to a place that overlooked the sea... and now to 2 new locations that I have yet to visit but am SO looking forward to seeing) and has changed staff multiple times over but the feeling I have when I arrive there never changes. Jackie and his staff are the best! If you ever have a chance to stop by one of his locations, you should! Or just pay for me to take you on a tour to Yantai and I'll take you there myself.

Jackie's Cuisine Downtown Location: Southeast Entrance, Orient HaiTian Hotel, No.12 Haiyun Rd, Laishan,Yantai,Shandong China +86(535)688-1800

Jackie's Cuisine Development Zone Location: Hengyue Plaza, 4th Floor, 25, (A1-38), Kaifaqu (Development Zone), Yantai, Shandong China +86(535)696-1800

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