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Writer's pictureSarah Nardi

How Did I End Up Here?

Updated: Apr 27, 2019

People always ask me, "Why Yantai?" This is how the story began.

Have you ever had an opportunity present itself and it just seemed too good to be true? Sometimes it isn't! This is my story and I hope it encourages you to reach for the things you think are out of reach. It just might change your life! #lifechanging

“...reach for the things you think are out of reach. It just might change your life!”

How It All Began

It was early in 2000 and I saw an ad for a job at a school in China. Having grown up in Hacienda Heights (#sangabrielvalley), CA I had spent much of my life around Asians and always had an affinity to visit China - even when all signs led to it being impossible. Seeing the ad re-sparked that desire to go to China. Even though I was excited and interested in the job, I also felt the fear of disappointment knowing that I wouldn't qualify for any job due to never attending university. Despite that fear, I decided to reach out by e-mail and see if it could become my reality. The months following that first step were a great #adventure.

I spent several weeks excited and nervous while waiting for a return e-mail. I didn't mention the e-mail to anyone because I didn't want to relive disappointment with every follow up question by well meaning friends if it fell through. The day I received the response, my heart soared. They were willing to find a position fit for me! Despite that, I was still concerned that they would decide I wasn't the best fit for them, so I only told a handful of people. All the while, I was preparing for the upcoming interview that I *just knew* would reveal my inadequacies for working at their school. We set an interview date and location. All I had was the name of a person and no description - and we were to meet in an area with lots of people traffic. The interview time came and went and I had not seen or heard of someone looking for me. I thought I'd completely missed my opportunity and that surely this would lead to me not getting the job. Several years later I was told what actually happened and know that it was God making a way for me where there seemed to be no way. #Hewillmakeaway

Eventually I heard back that I had a job (#blessed) and that I would start in June. I let them know that June was too soon (I believe it was already March at this time and I had so much to do before relocating my life) and asked if I could start later. After a few e-mails back and forth, they determined that I could start August 1 and it would be at a different location (originally Shanghai, was now a place called Yantai). They told me to get an airplane ticket to Hong Kong and that they would take everything from there.

Normally, I would be overly suspicious of a job asking me to pay for my own travel but I felt incredible peace about it. So I bought a one way airplane ticket to Hong Kong and head out to start my adventure.

Going through customs in #HongKong I was quickly reminded of God's faithfulness. Anyone that travels knows that you usually need some kind of proof that you are leaving the country within the permitted time of being in the country with/without a visa. Considering I only had a one way ticket, I definitely did not have that proof. All I had was my word that I was leaving Hong Kong within a few days to go into Mainland China. Somehow, this was enough for the customs officer! My next reminder of His faithfulness was in trying to find my contact. I didn't even have a name of the person - I was just told that he would be there with a sign and I could find him easily. I exited customs and looked around... and around... and around... and did not see my name anywhere. Somehow, after a while of me panicking, we connected and the contact profusely apologized. He took me straight to where I would be staying "for the next day or two" as it was late at night and I needed sleep. The following day he took my passport to get a visa and I ventured around the city (I had been to Hong Kong once before in 1999, so I was revisiting all my old stomping grounds).

It came time for me to move on to my next destination: Yantai. I arrived at Yantai Laishan Airport not knowing anyone and having never been to the city. I didn't even know the name of the school! Thankfully it was a very small airport and I quickly found my ride to my new home.

Over the next several days I went from not knowing what my job was (seriously! I was never given a job description) to thinking I would be a dorm teacher to then being told that some teachers they had originally hired backed out and that I would be the English teacher for K - 5. I was also given my own 2 bedroom apartment. The picture below is the view from my kitchen & dining room windows that I enjoyed for the next 4 years of my life.

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