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Missing Yantai

So, lately I've been missing Yantai. If you're anything like me, and you have a city that feels like home away from home, you understand this feeling. Being gone for the last 2 years has been rough and with the restrictions on travel, it hasn't been easy so I decided to share a few tips and tricks that I have been using to ease the ache ever so slightly until I can go back.

1. Look at recent videos of your city

This is something I do regularly. At least once a week, I look up current videos of Yantai that people are posting of my beautiful city. There are different ones about tours, traveling through Yantai, street food, night life, and so much more. Some of my favorite ones are walking through the boardwalk. Walking on the boardwalk was something I did almost every night in China and I wish I could do it again soon. Until then, these videos make me happy (and make me cry).

2. Find restaurants around you that resemble the food you had

This one may not be easy for everyone. I know that Northern Chinese food is difficult to find for people who don't live in San Gabriel, CA or Ontario, Canada but it is possible. I know for me, I was able to find it in places I never thought I would find it. So if it seems impossible, KEEP LOOKING! It is possible to find it in the most unique places.

3. Learn/Practice the language

When I went to China for the first time, I knew exactly two words in Chinese. So it's safe to say that Sarah did most/all talking. When I miss China the most, practicing and learning Chinese just does something that I can't explain. I feel close to China when I speak the language.

4. Listen to music that reminds you of your city

Music is magical. It bridges the gap for us while expressing the emotions we feel. I look up songs that sound the same as ones I listened to when I was in China. Sometimes, you might even find songs that reference your city. It makes my heart happy when I find songs or books that reference my city.

This pandemic has not been easy for any of us. Not being able to travel makes it worse because we can't visit our comfort places and homes away from home. Any little thing we can do to ease the pain of not being in person helps heal my heart. I hope this helps you remember the good times until we can get back to where we long to be. If you have any other tricks that help you, leave a comment. <3

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